Welcome to the Story Mill podcast series – Thriving Beyond Stress & Burnout. In this episode, Claire Taylor talks with Travel Book Writer – Pete Martin Peter was a Senior Partner – Commercial Director & Negotiator in an IT firm. He had spent the last five years of his career going from one intensive programme […]
Welcome to the Story Mill podcast series – Thriving Beyond Stress & Burnout. In this episode, Claire Taylor talks with Travel Book Writer – Pete Martin
Peter was a Senior Partner – Commercial Director & Negotiator in an IT firm. He had spent the last five years of his career going from one intensive programme to the next. At the same time he had undergone five knee surgeries and his marriage collapsed. Pete succumbed to the impact of stress and burnout and ended up having treatment at The Priory.
After the dark days of his divorce, poor health and then quitting his job, despite moving to another country and finding his soul mate, something was still missing.
Exhausted from life and work, Pete embarks on a soul searching journey to rekindle his health and his love for life. He endures physical adventures which mirror the struggles he faces on the inside in coming to terms with his new life. Initially the revolutions of the bicycle wheels are the backdrop to the beginnings of a revolution within him. Then he journeys around the world by train and ship. Pete’s transformational journey will remind you to never give up on your dreams, no matter what stage in life you are.
To hear Pete’s fascinating story, listen to our conversation below.
You can read about Pete’s travels in books – the first is Revolutions Wandering & Wondering On A Sabbatical Year and the second, published in October 2107 is Fantafrica Wandering & Wondering Across Africa.
If you’re inspired by Pete’s story and are considering a sabbatical of your own, you can follow his work and connect with him through his website www.petemartin.org.
Meanwhile, you can find out more about business storytelling on www.thestorymill.co.uk
Co-founder – The Story Mill