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Powerpoint is the ubiquitous tool for creating business presentations. In fact, in many organisations it’s used for much much more; strategic plans, comms plans, or any other communications for that matter. We are so used to throwing information into/at Powerpoint that our audience(s) can spot that Powerpoint was used a mile off. It doesn’t need […]
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Don't be Boring

Presentation Design Tip – Don’t be boring

No-one sets out to be intentionally boring, so why is it that so many presentations are just that. I’m sure we’ve all sat through endless hours of powerpoint (or other software ) presentations, viewing slide after slide of dull graphs and slides cramped with far too much information. When boredom sets in, you lose your […]
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Extract the wisdom from personal stories with "The Tao of Storytelling"

The TAO of Storytelling is a poigant book of short personal stories that demonstrate how we can all extract wisdom from our own stories. Visit Book Website

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