Nick Williams at The Story Mill Launch

Nick Williams talk called The Signature That Changed My Life was warmly received at The Story Mill launch event November 25th 2013.

Written By : on February 11, 2014

Nick Williams talk called The Signature That Changed My Life was warmly received at The Story Mill launch event November 25th 2013.

Nick Williams’ talk called The Signature That Changed My Life was warmly received at The Story Mill launch event November 25th 2013.

Nick is an internationally renowned speaker, mentor and best selling author having written 8 books. Nick inspires people to discover and live their unique calling and to show up in the world with their unique gifts. He is co-founder of the Inspired Entrepreneur Community.


Claire Taylor is co-founder of The Story Mill – a business that creates innovative programmes to support organisations to make their brands more human and foster a culture of authenticity and innovation. We run engaging storytelling workshops including: Storytelling in Leadership, Influencing, Branding, Strategy, Culture and Innovation.Claire is a Corporate Storyteller, Coach, Consultant, Trainer and Author of The Tao of Storytelling.

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